Monday, August 28, 2006

Tug of War, Chapter 2

Gabbie and Charlie like to play tug-of-war. Sometimes it takes a human referee to get the game started, but then it progresses on its own.

Gabbie is so determined - she latches onto the toy and pulls and pulls and pulls. Charlie's strong, but can't match her puppy energy. He puts up a good fight, but usually gives in.

Sometimes, though, Charlie matches her determination and they arrive at a standoff... just lying down, still holding the toy in their mouths, too tired to really pull anymore.


Anonymous said...

I LOVE that game. My friend Dudley the choc lab and I do it for long stretched of time. More when there is a new toy, but sometimes with sticks.

It's the best!


Tin Tin Blogdog said...

Never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever give in Charlie, never.

Do you hear?

It's tug 'til one of you drops off to sleep.

Oh, except if it's dinner time of course.

Chow for now,

Tin Tin xo

Charlie - The Big Dog said...

Hey Buddy,

You should wait until gabby isnt expecting it and then let go, she will fall hard:-)

BTW - My dad has a graphic to send you for winning featured blog on DWB next month, so can you let us know where you would like us to send it.

Thanks Dude

Big Chuxy