Yesterday, Charlie and I met up with Gabbie and her mom for some fun in Laurelhurst Park, a huge beautiful park in SE Portland with a big off-leash area. This represented two firsts for Charlie -- the first time he's been to Laurelhurst (a shocking admission for one who only lives a couple miles away) and the first time Charlie's been off-leash with other dogs.
Score! on both accounts!

Charlie and Gabbie, of course, were happy to see each other!

They met up with this fluffy little white dog. Charlie tried to get some "chase" going, but with no luck.

Then there was this stolid little otter-shaped guy. Charlie chased him to us, whereupon he rolled over and begged for mercy and belly-rubs.

There were lots of other meet-and-greets of both dogs and humans, all of which went exceedingly well. It was a low key day at the park -- perfect for a first experience.
As we left the park, Gabbie's mom suggested a stop at the treat tree.
Treat Tree? She led us up a street and around a corner to a small tree with a drinking bucket at its foot and carrot-shaped containers hanging from its branches... each holding a dog treat!

It was a perfect end to a great outing. I don't think Charlie could have had more fun!