Saturday, August 05, 2006

CDX - Camper Dog Excellent

This week Charlie got to go RV camping for the first time and had a great time!

We did a joint trip with a sailboat part-way down the Columbia, camping at spots along the river.

We picnicked at St. Helens, overlooking the river. Charlie had a bowl of food, as well as tidbits that dropped.

Then we stayed overnight in a county park near Rainier and a marina at Cathlamet. Charlie was a good camper and even went down to the docks at Rainier (he found Cathlamet a little too scary.)


Charlie - The Big Dog said...

Hi Buddy,

My dad says thats Really nice country in WA. He has a friend in Shelton that he visits sometimes. I hope its not to hot for you up there at the moment.

Take Care!


DustyDoodles said...

Didja get to go to the beach?? Doodles loves the beach!!! You sure look like you hads lots of fun!

Anonymous said...

Wow Charlie. I'm envious. Maybe we too will get a little vacation some time this year! Happy Day

Simon, Scarlett & Shelly :-)

H.A. Turbofire, Sibertarian said...

My Human has been remember wistfully the summer vacation she had in Oregon and Washington in the early 1980's. Now that the temperture in our area is ~157 degrees, she checks on Newport, OR and wishes she was there! She got stuck there during that vacation when Mt St Helens blew ash everywhere and her parents car didn't work.

Tin Tin Blogdog said...

Hey Charlie,

Your holiday sounds great.

Don't be scared of the boats, dude, there are always dribbly smells on them.

I remember I slept in our boat which was being towed behind the car on the way over to Yorke Peninsula. It was like being in my mum's convertible, yaaaaaay.

Camping is fun.

And I'm liking that table of food...

Chow for now, Tin Tin

Anonymous said...

Camping rocks, totally!

I camp out every day at the cabin here in the northernmost woods of Minnesota.

Best thing is the cool sand - you can always dig a deep, refreshing hole to lay in.

Happy summer!


MJ's doghouse said...

charlie...I am not a fan of camping...I prefer to eat indoors...i lliek to go to the beach or campground...but i want to go home to sleep...and eat...another silly thing about me i guess