Today Charlie is 13 weeks old. He's grown as well as grown up a lot in the last 5 weeks. He's learned to do all his business outside (and we take him out often to ensure success), to walk on a leash, and to come when he hears the special whistle.
Charlie loves to bite and chew. Sometimes he's able to control his urges and bite legal things
Legal chewing
but often those devil urges get the better of him.
Uh oh ... something bitey this way comes
Giving in to temptation
Even though he loves to chew, he doesn't waste time on it when he eats. Consuming calories is a very serious matter to Charlie!
Charlie is somewhat trustworthy for short periods by himself, although never with Harley, who won't protect himself
Charlie v. Harley
or Jessie, who would but has no front claws with which to do so
Supervised visit
or, for Charlie's sake, Pouncer, who has what it takes and the will to use it
Pouncer & Charlie
or food on a table he can reach.
There must be calories here somewhere...
When he's at home unsupervised, Charlie stays puppygated in the bathroom. He doesn't like it, though, and barks his head off. Fortunately, unlike his sister Sophie, he still can't get over the gate.
In the slammer
So, Happy Birthweek, Charlie! May your teens be even more fun and educational!!