(which netted him a day at the vet's)
So when Roo arrived, I tried to be very careful. At first Charlie only had well-supervised visits. Then, as he demonstrated his trustworthiness, I relaxed. Thought he'd grown up. Grew complacent. Took for granted that nothing would happen, and allowed Roo to freely roam the house on his own.
Initially it was kind of minor - a detached nose. Well, that could happen to anyone, right? And he didn't swallow the nose. But then... then... one night, watching a video, I noticed Charlie holding Roo down with his paws and pulling at him with his teeth. And when I went over to inspect, Roo was missing his right ear - there was just a stub where it had been. And, worse, the ear was nowhere to be found!
So Roo went back to live on the mantel between play dates. And I began to avoid Roo posts, embarrassed that Charlie wasn't quite as grown-up as I'd portrayed and that I'd let such a lovely present be eaten.
But Brooke and Greg and Charlie and Opy of Dogs with Blogs, who originally sent Roo, found out. And a new package arrived in the mail last week. So, thanks again, Brooke & Greg, and without further ado... everyone meet Joey: