Charlie is sixteen weeks old today and getting sooooo big! It's hard to call him a puppy anymore; in many ways he's become a little dog.
Charlie at 16 weeks
Charlie and Bear at 8 weeks
He couldn't begin to fit under an airplane seat today, as we pondered doing 8 weeks ago. Now he would need the whole row! No more to worry about a person or dog rolling over on him in their sleep and hurting him. To the contrary - - it's getting pretty crowded on Harley's dog bed, and if he should lie on Harley's face...
Charley and Harley - now
Charlie & Harley - 8 weeks ago
Puppy breath is gone, having disappeared suddenly sometime in the last 2 weeks. Chewing is still Charlie's passion though, and he practices it on dog and human and toy alike; sometimes even on himself!
He can chew his own ears, as well as his tail...
Charlie's legs have grown long, and he's able to jump on a human bed. He doesn't even need a running start; just a little sit and a spring will do it.
Long-legged pup!
He's learning words, and we're learning to spell. Charlie knows 'let's go for a walk' and 'no' and 'sit' and can sometimes follow these commands... if he wants to and especially if a treat's involved. In fact, he'll always sit to catch treats, focusing oh so intently on the activity.
Catching treats (click on the image to view a movie)
"Happy Birthweek, sweet sixteen! We've known you half your life, now, and can't imagine a world without your little hurricane self.
Sit and
Stay awhile, and we'll have lots more fun together!"