While I was away, the blogosphere exploded with activity! There's been a virtual storm of awards, with some even blowing this way!
Sami & Baylee, Huskee Boy and Chef gave us the Arte-y Pico Award. This award "was created for bloggers who inspire others with their creativity and their talents, and for contributing to the blogging world." Wow, we're honored to accept! And even more honored to pass it along to:
- While Walking Duncan - a daily blog by a wonderful writer regarding his life and experiences walking Duncan, a golden retriever who looks a lot like Charlie
- Greg/Brooke/Charlie/Opy -- i.e. Dogs with Blogs - if you don't know them yet, then you should. They have literally created a worldwide community of dog bloggers.
- Sophie Rules the World - a beauty AND a beast... what more is there to say about the uber-talented Ms. Sophia La Brador?
- Dogs Eye View - L^2's fabulous blog with some of the best photography around, and
- Meeshka - whose cartoons and attitude keep me in stitches (and nodding in agreement).
These are five very creative and artful blogs, without which it would be a much duller world!

For those who wish to accept the award, here are the rules:
1. Pick 5 blogs that you consider deserve an award for creativity, design, interesting material, and contribute to the blogging community, no matter what language.
2. List the name of the author and a link to his/her blog to be visited by everyone.
3. Show the award and put the name and link to the blog that awarded it to you.
4. Show the link of the Arte Y Pico blog, so everyone will know the origin of this award.
5. Display these rules.
And there's an award from Curt of While Walking Duncan (which, by the way, you should really check out if I didn't make that perfectly clear before).
I'd like to pass this one along to:
- Lab Tails, an engaging blog about breeding and raising labradors and the lessons learned therein
- To Aire is Divine, the adventures of Bogart, an Airedale exploring his new home here in Portland (from which we learn a lot)
- Sparky, a fun blog written by a very talented Canadian teenager
- Pippadogblog, the adventures of a Spanish dog with two British ex-pats living in Spain (& Gibraltar)
- El Diario de Lorenza, the life of a (the sweetest ever) dachsund living in Torreon, Coahuila Mexico, and whose grandmother makes the most amazing dresses
- It's Hammer - Beau's Brother, whose tenacious mom, Susan, continues to hunt for her beloved English Setter, Beau, and uses this blog to help spread the word
- and The Daily Coyote, a totally addictive daily blog about raising a coyote pup in Wyoming.
The rules of accepting this award are as follows:
1) Put the logo on your blog.
2) Add a link to the person who awarded you.
3) Nominate at least 7 other blogs.
4) Add links to those blogs on yours.
5) Leave a message for your nominees on their blogs.
I only wish I could pass these awards on to many more blogs, because these are just a few of the ones I love.
w00f's Charlie, congrats on ur awards, and u shure passed them on to sum cool pups...
b safe,
Some good choices and congrats on getting your awards.
Oh yeah, lots of awards being passed around! Looks like you've got a bunch for yourself too. Congrats!
Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer
Thanks my friend! And thanks for the correction on the meat thing - mama is a vegetarian, and cannot be trusted with such things :)
Thank you very much for your kind words and the beautiful award. It means a lot coming from you!
Curt (and Duncan, too)
Congrats on all your awards Charlie, and thanks for passing one on to us too!!!
Hi, Charlie!
Congratulations on you Awards!
Thanks for giving it to me and for your kind words about my blog.
You know I love you and your blog too!
Kisses and hugs
Man, the blogosphere really has been explodin' with activity lately! Congratulations on your awards, you definitely deserved them!
And thank you so very much for awarding me the Brilliante award! I feel very honored and brilliant!
Hi Charlie,
I can only say that you deserve all the awards!
What great sites - some of them I only just found out about - that's the great thing about awards! Fab post, Charlie!
licks & slobbers
Hi Charlie
You look extra handsome in these photos. Congrats on your awards too.
Love from Hammer
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