(And we'll just skip the part where Charlie got his temperature taken followed by the Bordetella intranasal vaccine and the nail clip, but suffice it to say it was not his favorite part. Except for the treats afterward, of course.)

Thanks, Dr. Tokar, & everyone at Powell Boulevard Vet Clinic!
Good to know you have a clean bill of healthy! Hope the jabbie wasn't too ouchie...
Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer
w00f's Charlie, sorrwy u had to b stuck...bet u glad its over...
b safe,
Our human always feels better after a trip to get us checked so we put up with it.
Misty the alpha Poodle
You had to go to the V-E-T? Oh man, that's bad! I'm glad you survived... Though the treats must have been good, eh?
every is fun until they take te tmperature...I'm glad that you are ok.
Hi, Charlie!
Those visits to the vet are not funny! But glad to hear that your are very healthy!
Kisses and hugs
How could they find you anything but well. You look like you handled the torture very well. I know you did not give away any state secrets.
Oh glad to know that everything is ok. ;)
~ Girl girl
Oh boy.glad youlleft out the temp part....that is NOT GOOD...but glad you have a clean bill of health!!!!!LoveA+A
Poor Charlies!
Ups the nose borderstuffs AND clipped nails. You're soo unluckys!
I get the nose stuffs this month too. Waits! I got the stick in my butts shot stuff last years. It supposed to lasts a whole years. Hmmm? Nose or butts? That is the questions.
Charlie: I hate that funny hospital too. What's with all the touchy feely stuff anyway!? Bleh!
Glad you're ok, Charlie. Bet you ran out of there faster than the speed of light!
Oh no Charlie, they didn't take your temperature did they....cripes matie.
Hugs and tail wags
Noah xx
I´m glad to know that you are ok, Charlie!
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