Then suddenly, it seemed, the little teeth were gone. But where? Outside? Down the hatch? The answer lay in front of us - all around the house. Wherever Charlie normally spends time chewing - there were found little teeth. Little canine fangs, little incisors, even little molars. So small - it's hard to believe they were so sharp and effective!
For now they live in a little box. A remembrance of puppy days.

Charlie & Harley compare teeth
It has been so long since I sold my puppy teeth to the tooth fairy, I can't even remember them. It is great that you have reached this mile stone. Now you can start chewing in earnest.
I am trying to keep my grown up teeth as long as I can. So I have my human guy brush my teeth every night. Of course, I get great dental chews too. I don't want to ever have to wear false teeth!!
Congratulations, that is a big milestone. Now when you chew on something, you can leave bigger marks!
We noticed last night that Jewel has lost a front incisor. We think it is from the way she eats her dinner -- with great gusto! Or maybe from when she ran into the coffee table.
I think I ate all my little teeth cause I never saw them come out. One day suddenly I noticed I could chew a lot harder on things and that was great!
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