Last weekend we had company and lots of it! 2 people staying with us and 20 for lunches every day. Fortunately, some of our guests were dog people and had a good time with Charlie. Several even got down on the floor with him and snuggled (we call that being "dog bait" and don't actually recommend it unless you enjoy being pinned by a dog).
Our friend, Derek, as you can see below, indulged him in endless games of Chase Charlie. I know Charlie was unhappy to see him go and is hoping he comes back soon!
17 hours ago
What awesome house guests!
Thats one good guest
BOL! You two too funny!
So much fun!!
Fun!!! Good workout too :) You got a lot of laps in there Charlie!
Sweet hugs,
Sierra Rose
BOL - that is too funny! That is Sam's favorite game too!
BOL!!! MY hu-Dad used to play that kind of game with me & Neve a whole lot. But now Mumma put her new kitchen in our way & we can't go round & round the house any more.
It sure looks like your got a good house for chasey though and your hu-mans have a cool friend.
I hope they invite him back to play with you real soon.
Slobbers from Ruger
Charlie, will you please send Derek to my house to play? He looks fun!
I think every Golden needs a Derek! Look at how much they are!
yeah..that was great! so cute and adorable...thanks for sharing your blog!
Dog Fence
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