We had a great experience this past week, meeting Brooke & Greg from
Opy's &
Angel Charlie's mum & dad) and showing them some of Portland.

They petted Charlie nonstop and fussed over him, called him a beautiful boy, hugged him and fed him treats. Charlie, of course, ate up every second of it!

We were all so sorry to let them go, but grateful for the opportunity to spend time with two of the nicest people in the world!

However... Charlie now knows it's possible for people to pay even MORE attention to him than we usually do. So the bar's been raised, and we're going to have to do our best to meet the new high standards. :-)
I'm glad you all had a good time. I wish they could have scratched my head!
Of khourse they did!
He's all those things and then lots more!
Thanks fur sharing their visit with us!
Wow! The DWB peoples in person??? How cool! Charlie is so A list now!
SOOOO fun to actually meet our blogger pals in reality!!! What fun you had, Charlie! And what a GREAT photo of such a beautiful place with such a gorgeous view! (And PS: you are the best view heheh!)
Big Hugs xoxox
How nice to have all that attention Charlie!
Sure it was pawesome to meet them!
Brooke and Greg sure are the best!
Thanks for sharing their visit with us!
Kisses and hugs
How very nice to meet other bloggers! ...and of course, Charlie deserves all the attention!
who wouldn't love getting all that attention!
Don't forget, we are now located at dogisgodinreverse.com
Wow! Wonderful special meeting!! So great to spend some time with folks that have fostered this great venue for all of us :)
Hugs and snaggle-tooth kisses,
Sierra Rose
Oh, we wish we had known that they were in town. We would have driven down the old hiway 30 to meet them.
OH my little Chuck, you got to meet Angel Chuck's pawrents (who are hands down the bestest hoomans for giving us DWB's)!!
I can tell you loved all the attention, how wonderful!!
Love nibbles,
Miss Sunshade
Oh Charlie, you played host! Whoa! That was pawsome! Your hoomans must be proud of you!
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