Hence he's always viewed the yard as a kind self-serve deli, where he can score some calories. And since his palate can, at best, be called undiscriminating, Charlie's only unsupervised trips to the yard are for doing business. Fortunately, the temptation of a good milkbone or other legal treat has usually brought him running back when done. Until last week.

I don't know what it is (I suspect cat poop), but something new and apparently edible became available at the side of the house. He'd go outside, ostensibly to do business, and then make a bee-line for the side yard and start snuffling through the leaves I'd let collect there. Only my going up to him and teasing him and promising a puppy treat would break his concentration and get Charlie back in the house.
I've raked up all those leaves now, and with any luck gotten rid of the doggie delicacies. Assuming the cat plays along too, hopefully the cycle will be broken. Keep your fingers crossed.

Sounds like my moose! There used to be some loose dirt that the kitties apparently loved to use and when we would pass it on our walks it was like all u can eat buffet if I did not pull him off!
Dogs like the strangest things, don't they? TD loves to check out all those wonderful delicacies too:)
Woos, Phantom and Thunder
Holy food snarfers! I wanted to do a post like this because Sammie is exactly the same way (could they be related?)!!! I get it completely - she does the very same things Charlie does, only I use the word "cookie" to get her in haha. She usually is searching for cat poop too, but anything will do for her. We try and try to keep her lean, but somehow, she always manages to find something in a bush by the sidewalks or in the park. She's especially good at just knowing there'll be something around picnic tables. Arrrggghhhh! I understand! So funny you did a post on this! Is it only goldens?
Hugs xo
Sammie's mom!
My pups would live off deer pooh if I'd let them...
It's in the Golden blood. My girl will do anything for a nibble!
Elizabeth & Luna
Was it khatsup?
OOPs Chawlie
Caught in the act, hehehe
I'm suwe thewe awe legal tweats waiting inside
smoochie kisses
My DOg. Goldens are definitely all the same. Geez.
Sam loves it when the cats leave Tootsie rolls in the yard. He is the same way, or at least maybe we are - he can only go out supervised!
I Noah would rather eat the cat than cat poop hehe.
Noah x
Charlie! You got busted! Have to try and be more discreet. ;)
he is just trying to save you some kibble bucks
Bussie Kissies
I want to quote your post in my blog. It can?
And you et an account on Twitter?
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