Wednesday, December 17, 2008

A Pressie from Down Under

Recently Charlie received a very special package -- a stuffed 'roo from C$ and his family in Australia.

"Hmmm... smells good."

"Hmmm... tastes good."

"What's in there?"

"Here, I'll help."

"C'mere, you!"

"What are you? You don't look like a cat..."

Getting the cat "treatment", anyway.

Charlie and Roo.

This is Charlie's first stuffed toy in a long long long time. Not because he doesn't like them (he loved them) -- but because he eats them. As in "down the hatch", "chew, swallow, and repeat"... you get the picture. So I was curious to see his (supervised) reaction, now that he's a few years older.

At first, Charlie didn't seem to know what to do with the toy. He sniffed it cautiously and went to lie elsewhere. With some coaxing he gradually warmed up to it a little, even giving it the kitty 'sniff under the tail' routine. But he still wouldn't play with it.

I went in the bedroom to do some things, (accidently) leaving Charlie unsupervised in the living room with the toy. A few minutes later, I looked over and there it was - on the bed! As I watched, Charlie came back in the room, picked up the 'roo and proceeded to pace the house, carrying it in his mouth.

So now it's not "the toy" or "the 'roo", it's Roo. And Roo now plays a prominent role in "Chase Charlie", replacing the ball that Charlie likes to run with. Charlie still only gets supervised visits. But he often initiates them, going over to the mantel where Roo lives and staring longingly.

Thanks C$, Brooke, Greg, & Opie! For the toy and for helping Charlie show me how much he's grown up.


Lacy said...

w00f's Charlie, me didnt no what a stuffie wuz when me 1st comed here, heehee but me iz making up fur it now..

b safe,

Noah the Airedale said...

That was so nice of big Charlie to send you a very Aussie pressie Charlie. Have fun with it and have a great Christmas.

Noah x

Eduardo said...

What a great stuffie Charlie! Happy Howlidays!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle

Randi said...

That C$ sure know how to pick a good Roo!

Love & Licks,

Randi said...

That C$ sure know how to pick a good Roo!

Love & Licks,

Paco,Milo, Maya and mommy Simona said...

What a beautiful toy!!!!!!!
we're like you...we eats all toys that humans give us!!!!!!!WAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!
Your photos are wonderful!!!
Have fun with it and have a great Christmas!!!!!!
Lots of love!!!!!!!!!!

Lorenza said...

Hi, Charlie!
Charlie sent you a great present! I am sure you are having great time with Roo!
I hope you two have a looooong relationship!
Take care
Kisses and hugs

Joe Stains said...

What a CUTE toy, you are so lucky to have Roo, Tanner eats all my stuffies.

Sami & Baylee said...


That is a very nice ROO. How nice of your friend to send it to you!

xoxo Sami

Samantha: said...

Oh Charlie - Love your Roo! I also have to have supervised visits with my stuffies. Alphas don't like when I spread innards all over the house and yard - booooo. Wish we could play together!

Huskee and Hershey said...

Santa Paws came early!!
Roo is really cute and I am glad Charlie is gentle with him.. My mom is tearing her hair out cos Hershey kills all her stuff toys in 30 sec (no kidding) and leaves 'snow' all around the house! Hopefully she'll grow out of it like Charlie, and treat her soft toys with ummm 'respect' (??)..

The Musketeers said...

That looks like such a fun & cute kangaroo toy (:

Sophie Brador said...

Sounds like Charlie might have become Sophie-like in his relationship to stuffies. She never shreds them or eats them like she did as a pup. Now, she lovingly massages them and carries them on her walks. Her stuffies will out live her. Charlie is so cute with Roo.


Fenway said...

You look like a youngster, too, Charlie. I can tell from your history with stuffies. I still won't let any live beyond an afternoon.

Maybe you'll get more for Christymas!

Your new pal,

Thor and Jack said...

So nice Charlie send you that pressie. Your Roo is very cool!

Love and licks

meemsnyc said...

What a nice gift!!!

Lacey said...

What a cute Roo! We must not be very grown up yet because we destroy all our stuffies. Hope you get hours of pleasure from playing with Roo!

Thanks for the great card.
Comet and BLU

Duke said...

What a nice pressie from Charlie! How very thoughtful of him!
We got your beautiful Christmas card in the mail yesterday! Thank you so very, very much, Charlie!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Islay said...

Hey Charlie, enjoy your roo! Whenever I get roo to chew, it comes stuffed, but not like that, stuffed in a sausage!

licks & puppy love,

Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

What a lovely gift!
Thanks for your pawsome card, which arrived yesterday! Merry Kissmas! Jx