First I got Charlie dressed up in Harley's old harness. Before sweet wobbly golden Harley went to the Rainbow Bridge, we used this to help steady and support his walking. Designed as a search & rescue dog harness, it's comfy and strong enough to lift Charlie back on the dock if necessary. Assuming, of course, that an adrenaline-rush really can provide the strength necessary to lift 68 lbs. of squirming dog. (*Note: life jacket coming.)
Then we took Charlie to the docks and the boathouse. This is his second time there, and today he not only went into the living space, but allowed himself to be coaxed into the boatwell! Sans boat, but it's a start!

I think some of our friends are rolling their eyes at all this "slow-walking", but Charlie is suspicious, spooks easily, and once he makes up his mind against something, it takes trickery and treats to work around it. Seriously, it took almost an hour to get him to even try going up stairs when we first moved to Portland!
So this little outing proved very successful. Next up - getting Charlie on the boat!
*I just about freaked when he turned around on that narrow walkway, but he did fine!
Charlie is certainly dressed for success.
oh wow Charlie, getting on a boat! How exciting!
Oh Charlie you are such a brave doggie. I have never been on a boat but I love water. You will have so much fun!
Hi Charlie
I'm very sorry I haven't been in touch. Mum is trying hard to help me blog but she has not been well again.
I think you are a very brave Gundog. I'm real scared of the water too and I still get scared walking over a bridge. Mum does not rush me either, like your mum.
Thank you very much for your award too. This means a lot to us.
Love from Hammer
u looks cool with the new gear...
You look ready to sail, Charlie.
That sure looked like a pawsome outing. :)
~ Girl girl
Wow! Charlie! That looks really like a great adventure!
Love, Dino
Hey Charlie,
You're being really brave matie. We know you'll make a great sailor. Good luck!!!
That boat well doesn't look so bad. Though I'd hate to fall in and have to be pulled out!
licks & slobbers
You're making amazing progress, Charlieboy. You'll be a great captain one of these days.
I am sure with the right motivation aka treats, Captain Charlie will be a fine sailor!
How fine to have a boat. I would so like to be Skipper Pipper.
Hi Charlie
You are lucky your mum is so kind and patient with you. I had trouble going up steps like you when I first came to live with mum. What I'm still real scared of, as well as water, are bridges and going over rocks. When we went for a walk in the forest there were piles of rocks to walk over coz of all the rain, and I was real scared and did not want to cross, but mum was real patient with me, and I did it.
The photo you like of Khomet shows Beau and not Hobson. Beau and Khomet were very close, and this is another reason mum is hurting so bad right now.
Love from Hammer
Looking good Charlie... you've got to get your mama to take you where I went - it's the Lewis & Clark state park area just outside of Troutdale. This area of the river is pretty shallow and dogs are allowed :)
Maybe we should have a little meetup there sometime!
Hi Charlie
You always make the nicest comments on my blog about me and my mum. THANK YOU !!!
How is the boat stuff going ?
Love from Hammer
so cool to get to go on a boat like that, I have never been on a boat. How very exciting for you.
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