Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Mom to the Rescue - Part II

Then there's the problem of the ears. The best stuff being at the bottom, who wants to lick the boring sides clean first so your ear fur doesn't drag in it?

Not Charlie, that's for sure!!

So, again...
Mom to the rescue!

He's so focused, I'll bet I could clean the inside of that ear without him even noticing.


Noah the Airedale said...

Maybe your mum can tie your ears at the top of your head when you need to lick the pot. We have that same problem with our beards. They always get in the way.
Licking the pot is the greatest treat.

Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess & Lucy

Charlie - The Big Dog said...

You really do have your humans well trained!

Good work!

Lorenza said...

Hi, Charlie!
Your mom is the best! As you can imagine I have the same problem!
Have a great weekend!
Kisses and hugs

Aubrey Jones said...


So cool to be able to eat right out of the bowl. I usually have to wait for the boy I live with to drop something before I get people food. I've got a blog too, only without as many cool pictures. Stop by and say hello when you're done eating!


Chloé said...

Hi Charlie!!! I came back, and i´m very happy in my new city... My mommy never want that i do this (clean inside), must be a luxury... umh umh umh


Sophie Brador said...


meemsnyc said...

Awwww, that is so cute. So nice of your bean to be able to eat out of the pot like that!

Amber-Mae said...

Yummers! Good thing my ears don't get wet like yours becoz I don't have fluffy ears.

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Anonymous said...

Charlie you are so funny. I do the same thing but usually with yoghurt pots! I think your ears are adorable and don't need cleaning at all. I could lick off the residue for you!

baby mao x

Golden Dreams said...

Our mom let us clean the roasting pan that had a big turkey in it. Those are the kind of dishes we don't mind washing!

Jessie, Jake and Lola said...



Johann The Dog said...

You have to 'click' her when she holds your ears up for you next time, Charlie - keep her well trained, BOL!!!

Thanks for stopping by. I didn't qualify for AKC Nationals last year and probably won't this year either because of my injuries :( But we'll keep tryin!

BTW - those other 16" pups are super fast...they would be difficult to beat!

Woofs, Johann

Anonymous said...

Looks good! I prefer to just steal cookies and such when no one is looking, its much less messy!

Urban Smoothie Read said...

charlie, u are the most efficient pot cleaner!

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Haa your mom sure is helpful

~ Girl girl

Anonymous said...

Somehow it always taste better right out of the pan...even better if you have someone trained to help oit with those ears!

Murphy's Mom said...

What a great blog!!! My baby Murphy would certainly agree with you on many topics!
And you are certainly easy on the eyes!
Murphy has a blog of his own too. Hope you will come and visit!
Keep on blogging!

Agatha and Archie said...

Well you certainly have her WELL trained!!!! We will have to try that with our PL!! Love A+A

Curt Rogers said...

What a great idea! My dish-doing days are over! And Duncan has been looking a little scrawny lately! Two birds with one stone!

Girasol said...

Good job Charlie!! i remember that I started licking a spoon now I'm like you, I clean pots and pans.