Monday, November 20, 2006

Wow, that was fast!

That Comet, BLU, and Lacey are really on top of things! I already got a holiday card today, and it was from them!

The envelope wasn't very yellow, though, so it must have been licked by BLU - - the old-fashioned way.

Thanks, guys!


L said...

Woo hoo! Somebody got our card! Sorry you didn't get one of my lucky yellow ones. We can't wait until the mail lady starts bringing some to us. How exciting!

Anonymous said...

COOOOOL!! I can't wait to get mine!! One the other hand...... I still havent' finished mine.... SIGH..

Love nibbles,
Miss Sunshade

Boo Boo said...

You got your first cards ?? That is fast .... Wow !!!!

Fu Fu said...

Hey Charlie, Oh.. I hope I get mine soon. Haa.. you didn't get Comet's "yellow card"..

~ fufu

Sam Iam said...

You got your first cards ?? How awesome is that.Way to goooo,woof-woof

Lot's of Lick's

Opy - the Original GruffPuppy said...

We got ours from Comet and BLU today - I think ours was a yellow one ;-)


Anonymous said...

I love the Christmas card exchange!

Justin said...
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Anonymous said...

Little Chuck, are you suffering from T-Day hangover??

Love nibbles,
Miss Sunshade