We'd had two 100+(F) degree days here in Portland, and even though the house didn't get above the mid-80's, we all felt like taking it easy and quiet. So when Charlie did the same, we didn't think too much of it.
But yesterday, when it got cooler, Charlie didn't return to his usual bouncy bitey playful self. He stayed conked hard all morning. He didn't bark at the mailman. He drooled - way more than usual. And when he refused lunch, we knew for sure it was time to go see the vet!
The doc did some tests to make sure, but immediately knew what was up - heat stroke! So Charlie spent yesterday afternoon there getting re-hydrated (and petted and coo'ed over). He's feeling much better today, and we're very grateful to all the great people at his clinic for the care they gave him!
So all you doggies out there... be careful of the heat this summer and drink lots of water! You don't have to be in a hot car to have a problem.

Yikes Charlie - that is no good at all ! My Charlie almost got heatstoke once - it was pretty scary ! I am glad your humans got you straight to the Vet and got you all fixed up. Milk it for all it's worth in the "attention stakes" - I reckon there is about a weeks worth in it :-)
Take care, and glad you are feeling better.
Hi Chuckles
Summer is SOOOOO stupid. It gets really hot in Australia too. Stupid human dad turns on the water sprinkler for me and I really love that. But I love the air conditioning in the house better. I think its time I envicted those slobs and move in myself:-)
Be cool buddy
Big Charlie
I just HAVE to tell you this,
Im freaking out!
Luv Biggy C
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