I've studied the picture and can't find the treat anywhere. It must be in his mouth, because he did catch it! Catching treats is one of Charlie's best-honed skills.
17 hours ago
The adventures of an Indiana golden retriever in the Wild Wild West.
pretending that you don't have the treat, it's a good strategy!!!
Hey Charlie
Greetings from South AFrica!
Well done on catching the treat. Doesn't Mom know that we are just as good at hiding the treat?
Max in sunny South AFrica
Heehee! Dad is trying to teach me to catch a treat, and sometimes I do, but most of the time my poodle side comes out and I let it just bounce on my nose....
*kissey face*
Goldens and treats, treats and Goldens, they are one and the same☺
I've studied the picture too. Is that a loaf of fresh baked bread on the counter? Yummmers.
Charlie is looking dashing as well. Maybe he'd like to come play with Balto and get him out of my fur.
Hi, Charlie!
Catching treats is the only trick I can do!
Good job!
Kisses and hugs
Khatching treats and shaking/giving paws are my only trikhks!
I hope woo get yours!
Of COURSE it's in LC$'s mouth! He is a retriever after all! Do you honestly think you would be getting any sleep if it was on the loose somewhere?
treats treats treats :)
I´m sloobering already!
good job charlie!
licks Pu
Great catch Charlie!!! I'm still working on that, I think my family needs to learn to toss the treat a little better! BOL
Nice form Charlie :o)
I think you need to get anothew one Chawlie
smoochie kisses
The treat is devoured. Great picture!
Our girls occasionally catch a Charlie Bear, but only if we really aim it well. Very cute photo.
Treats should always come in pairs.
Did yous inhale it? catching treats is about my only trick, Ailsa shakes paws, barks on comand, bows and all sorts, mes I just look cute.
I think Charlie is the world's best actor. Pretending the treat is no where to be found is a surefire way to get another!
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