Monday, September 18, 2006

Episode 2: Lopez Island Beachcomber Dog

Charlie adjusted easily to this, his second RV camping trip.

And, true to his golden retriever nature, he turned out to be exceptionally interested in the WATER!

At first he was a little wary.

But he quickly warmed up to it, and soon he was splashing around in the water, exploring.

By the time we were done, he was ready and eager to plunge in further and try some ocean swimming. Only the prospect of a big wet salty dog in the RV caused discretion to win out.

As it was, though, Charlie had a splashing great time!


Anonymous said...

Hey Charlie,

I'm tagging you to do this:

List 5 things that make a true doggie friend.

For more details, visit my blog!! I'll catch up with you soon!

Charlie - The Big Dog said...


I am SOOOOO jealous of you buddy - that looks great!
